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Master Bathroom Refresh: Part 1

The very first project we did on our house was the master bathroom (sorta). We had to replace the floors because the subfloor was rotting and we could fall through at any moment, yikes! I then refinished the tub to make it bright white again, swapped out the broken sink and toilet and called it finished.

Friesen & co. | Master bathroom

It stayed like that (in a state I was okay with) for about 6 months until I realized that the light grey grout I had chosen was looking very dingy...So I painted the grout black and then had to paint the walls to match the grout. From then on, I haven't been thrilled with the way it has been looking. I always knew we would get a new mirror because I have hated our small medicine cabinet mirror since we moved in, but now the rest of it just hasn't been working either.

So here we are! Onto the master bathroom...again!

So far, we have added in a much needed bathroom fan which helped us kick start this project. With needing to rewire for the fan it was a good time to switch our our mirror with built-in light fixtures for a separate mirror and light fixture. But, you know what they say, "when you give a mouse a cookie..."

Since the wall is already getting torn up because of the light fixture & mirror, I decided we should add some skinny lap to the walls to finally fully redo the bathroom and get it to the way we want it.

Here is where we sit today. This light fixture is from Lowe's and I am loving the way it looks so far! I can't wait to get started on our skinny lap and have a functional and beautiful master bathroom.

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