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Our First Project of 2018

So I told you (and myself) I was going to do better at blogging in 2018, so here I am!

We are embarking on our first project of 2018 this weekend and it is one I have been dreaming of since we moved in. All of the main spaces in our home have been remodeled (some more than once, ehm, our master bathroom). So now it's time for one not-necessary-but-totally-necessary (in my mind) projects; Our fireplace & mantel!

I remember walking what is now our home for the very first time with our realtor. Taylor was immediately sold, I, on the other hand, was underwhelmed. I thought the layout was strange and there was nothing jumping out at me that screamed "I'm the one!". I remember looking at the fireplace/mantel and thinking it had so much potential that was under utilized and it just looked bland. Well now is the time to take it from drabby to something that will actually catch your eye and draw you in.

Here is what we are starting with.

Yes, our TV will still be hung above the mantel because I am not about having two focal points in our already small living room. Right now it is just set on the mantel but we will be putting an outlet behind it and mounting on the wall to help hide some cords.

I have toyed around with so many ideas in the last year and a half, but we have finally landed on a winner! We are going to add built-in benches under the existing windows! Here are some that I am drawing inspiration from (specifically for the benches. They're style is cute, but not 100% in line with the rest of our home).

We are planning on tiling around our fireplace, which we are extending 6" on each side and about 12" on the top. For the mantel, we are going for something that makes it feel more casual like a natural wood beam. The mantel will sit directly on top of the fireplace surround (as it should!) because that is something that has driven me crazy about our current setup. Its the little things.

I am dreaming of these benches providing us with storage for toys someday and extra seating for when we are hosting larger gathers.

We already have our tile and are ready to start demo this weekend! We are hoping this will be a quick & painless project where we won't have to live in a mess for too long. Fingers crossed, people!

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