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Spring Cleaning Checklist

I love Spring! It's the time for new beginnings and fresh starts. And for the Friesens it means spring cleaning! Yes, that exclamation mark is there on purpose. I love spring cleaning time. I get to clear out closets, open up the blinds and get outside for some yard work!

Friesen & co.| Spring Cleaning Checklist

Here are some of the things I like to do this time of year and think they lead to a clear mind and happier home:

1. Go through clothes closets & dressers. Getting rid of old clothes is sometimes hard, but in our tiny 1930's closets, it is 100% necessary (did people back then wear less bulky sweaters or something?!). Its a good time to cut back on things that you no longer wear and either sell or donate them to hopefully make room for things you actually will wear!

2. Organize storage spaces. I cannot wait for this one! We have a basement and a bedroom (that I fondly refer to as "the junk bedroom") that got seriously messy during our kitchen remodel. After a long day of kitchen work, we would just throw things into these storage spaces so now that we are finished they need a lot of love. I'm planning to get some great storage bins for our basement and label, label, label.

3. Swap out candles. I have already switched out our warm and cozy candles for fresh & lively ones for the spring. It's amazing how much brighter and better I feel with having a new scent in the home.

4. Touch up paint. I don't know about you but it seems like throughout the winter our walls got dinged up (hello 100 pound German Shepherd playing inside). I am ready to grab some paint and do minor touch ups.

5. Wipe down the baseboards. Again, with a big, hairy, muddy dog our baseboards get gross throughout the winter. I love taking a Magic Eraser to the baseboards in every room and give them a good scrubbing. It's amazing how much brighter and cleaner our home feels just from this simple task.

6. Clean the gutters. I am sure Taylor is not looking forward to this one very much but it has to be done! We had a big issue with mosquitos last year and we think it is largely attributed to our gutters being the perfect, moist breeding grounds...Yuck. Getting a fresh clean start (and possibly some gutter guards) will hopefully set us up for enjoyable back porch sitting this summer.

7. Clear out garden beds & weeds. We were pretty lazy this fall and didn't rake until after the snow if you were anything like us this one might read "rake your leaves you filthy animal"! Now finally got that out of the way, we already starting to see some trouble spots with weeds that we are going to tackle right away so we can be ready to plant our garden.

These few things will not only make your house feel spring time ready but will help prep you for your projects throughout the summer. Getting a fresh start after a long winter is super important to help keep your (my) sanity and get you ready for one of the most beautiful times of year!

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