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Kitchen Remodel Update: Opening up the space

For awhile it felt like we were getting no where with our kitchen remodel. Taylor would spend hours up in the attic working on changing out our lights & come down saying he got a lot accomplished but to me, nothing looked different! I was getting discouraged because we then had two open & unfinished walls in the house & no lights in the kitchen. Then it all seemed to start to come together.

The lights got put in & the old ones were removed. The wall between the dining room and kitchen was taken down & almost finished, and the shiplap wall where our new picture window was put in is on its way to being finished!

Here are some pictures of the progress we have made over the past 3 weeks. Once all of these are completely wrapped up, I'll go into more detail on each!

Wall demo


Friesen & co.| before


Friesen & co.| wall demo
Friesen & co.| wall demo

There is a very important picture missing here where it sat for a long time. Both sides of the wall were open but the support beams hadn't been relocated. It felt like it sat in a state between these two for a long time and it drove me crazy because it felt so close to being done but we never seemed to be ready to take that next step for one reason or another.

Here is what it looks like currently! There are still a few finishing touches to do & one more beam to add on the kitchen side to finish it off, but it actually looks like it was meant to be there now! Plus the finishing touches are my favorite part because they make it all come together.


Friesen & co.| wall demo

As you can see it is not completely finished and the rest of our kitchen is a total mess, but it's almost there!

Shiplap wall

I am planning on doing a full post of the how-to for our shiplap wall, but for now, here are the before & after shot of where we are at now. We hope to finish shortly after Thanksgiving!


Friesen & co.| shiplap wall


Friesen & co.| Shiplap wall

We also added those lights, which I love & is the major reason all of this took so long. I also didn't want to post anything until we had made at least some progress so that is the excuse I am using for why I haven't posted in awhile!

We are taking a break after we finish these projects up & start back up after Christmas. Taylor needs a little break & I would like to have a clean house again for more than a day!

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